TYPO3 v8.x has been discontinued
This TYPO3 version is no longer available at the AWS Marketplace. Contact us if you need a machine image featuring this TYPO3 version. We can help!
We published the first TYPO3 v8 machine image in 2016. Subsequent releases included all TYPO3 sprint releases and the long-term support version TYPO3 v8 LTS (also known as version 8.7).
TYPO3 CMS 8.x reached its end-of-life in March 2020. Extended support can be purchased from the TYPO3 GmbH.
According to the official release announcement., the highlights of TYPO3 version 7 LTS are:
- Performance (mainly due to PHP v7, Standalone Fluid, ExtJS replacement by jQuery).
- Mobile responsive backend.
- New image manipulation functionality.
- New Form Framework to build forms.
- The introduction of CKEditor. as the default RTE.
- The usage of Doctrine DBAL. for database abstraction.
- New concepts for multiple languages and translations.
The LTS-version was released on Tuesday, 4 April 2017. It received maintenance and bug fixes for 1.5 years and security updates for three years until April 2020.
Server and Services
The machine image at the AWS Marketplace comes with the packages installed and configured listed below. Please note that all these components can be upgraded, removed, replaced, etc. as required.
Operating System
- Debian GNU/Linux version 8 (code name: "Jessie").
Web Server
- Apache version 2.4, see official documentation.
Database Server
- MySQL version 5.5, see reference manual.
- PHP Version 7.0, see official documentation.
Other Components
- Image Magick version 6.8, see official website.